Town of Lakeside You'll love our Rural Atmosphere

Current Year Meeting Documents

We believe in open government where residents and visitors have access to our meeting documents. To attend one of our meetings, visit the meetings for access to our agenda for the next meeting and the date and time when that meeting will be held. All meetings are held at the town hall unless prior notice of a change of location is published in advance.

On this page, you will find the agenda and the minutes of our meetings that have been held this year. To review the agendas and minutes from our meetings this year, click on the appropriate link for the agenda or minutes for the month of interest.

2024 Budget
Month Meeting Type Agenda Minutes
January Regular Agenda Minutes
February Regular Agenda Minutes
March Regular Agenda Minutes
April Regular Agenda Minutes
April Annual Meeting Agenda Minutes
May Regular Agenda Minutes
May Board of Review Notice Contact Clerk for Minutes
June Regular Agenda Minutes
July Regular Agenda Minutes
August Regular Agenda Minutes
September Regular Agenda